New Veneer options for Grilles and Panelized Linears

Custom fast wood ceilings shipped in a little as 3-6 weeks. Approvals support always included with shop drawings, submittal samples, and a dedicated support team.
By the numbers
Custom stain colors matched for customer projects
Fast>Track configurations possible for wood ceilings, including infinite colors
More than 1600 Fast>Track wood ceiling projects shipped on time
All Fast>Track Options
1100 Cross Piece Grille – Solid Wood
Length Structures
Length Structures for the 1100 Cross Piece Grill from 9Wood
Features & Options
Downward accessible option
Downward accessible option
Wall systems available
Wall systems available
MEP friendly
MEP friendly
  SKU Net Width Net Depth Members/LF
1112 5/8" 1-3/8" 2 - 10
1113 5/8" 2-1/4" 2 - 10
1114 5/8" 3-1/4" 2 - 10
1123 1-3/8" 2-1/4" 2 - 6
1124 1-3/8" 3-1/4" 2 - 6
Member per LF
Member depth
Member width
System depth
OC Spacing
Reveal width
1100 Cross Piece Grille – Veneer
Length Structures
Features & Options
Downward accessible option
Downward accessible option
Wall systems available
Wall systems available
MEP friendly
MEP friendly
  SKU Veneer Width Net Depth Members/LF
1112 3/4" 1-3/8" 2 - 8
1113 3/4" 2-1/4" 2 - 8
1114 3/4" 3-1/4" 2 - 6
1116 3/4" 5-1/4" 2 - 3
Member per LF
Member depth
Member width
System depth
OC Spacing
Reveal width
1200 Dowel Grille – Solid Wood
Length Structures
Length Structures for the 1200 Dowel Grille from 9Wood
Features & Options
Clips included
Clips included
MEP friendly
MEP friendly
  SKU Net Width Net Depth Members/LF
1212 5/8" 1-3/8" 2 - 10
1213 5/8" 2-1/4" 2 - 10
1214 5/8" 3-1/4" 2 - 10
1223 1-3/8" 2-1/4" 2 - 6
1224 1-3/8" 3-1/4" 2 - 5