The Wren DC — Washington, DC
FSC Engineered Walnut Veneer with Top-Coat Matte, PEFC Western Hemlock with Top-Coat Matte
SKU(s):5332-8-4448-48, 4448-48, 1112-10
Beautiful wood grilles and wood tiles instaled at The Wren DC in Washington DC.
This project took advantage of the versatility of western hemlock, where the 1100 Cross Piece Grilles were stained to match the FSC Engineered Walnut Veneer used in the 4400 Torsion Spring Tiles.
Featured Systems
1100 Cross Piece Grille
An elegant and practical system that is seismically compliant and simple to install and remove.
Featured Article
How Much Does a Custom Wood Ceiling Cost?
"How much does a custom wood ceiling cost?" is one of the first questions architects and contractors want to know when they reach out to 9Wood. Although this is a difficult question to answer in an article, we will do our best to discuss the factors that affect custom wood ceiling pricing.Featured Video
The Most Accessible Wood Ceiling
Accessibility and dropped wood ceilings are a classic conflict because you have your mechanical systems, HVAC, lighting, and electrical, and then you cover it…Project Details
August 2020